How to win at business, Chutes & Ladders style

The Level

In This Issue:

Business is an infinite game. In the next 2 weeks, I’m demystifying how business actually works and what it takes to be wildly successful. It’s not complicated, and it all boils down to the rules of the children’s game Chutes and Ladders:

Hey Reader,

To win any game, you have to know the rules. You have to know what the end goal is, where you’re starting, the obstacles you might encounter along the way, and what will help you get ahead.

In the board game Chutes and Ladders, you start out play in the bottom right hand corner of the board. Your goal is to traverse the maze of chutes and ladders, but still make it out (relatively unscathed), all the way up to the square in the top left of the game board.

Except in this particular game, you are playing against…you – put your competition out of your mind for the moment.

The starting square in the bottom right is wherever you are, in your life and business, right now. The chutes are all of the known (and still unknown) pitfalls that may stand in your way of you getting where you want to go: your goals.

The ladders, on the other hand, are accelerators from one level to the next, in one fell swoop.

In your particular business, chutes can represent a failed launch, an untenable churn rate in your membership community, the loss of your biggest client, or even a major life event that takes you away from your business for some amount of time.

Ladders, however, represent your biggest wins – your planned, calculated, strategic moves. Maybe you closed the big client, got ahead on content production (and a system to sustain your lead!), you hired a stellar assistant, you stepped way outside of your comfort zone; learned to sell, and as a result, your high ticket program sold out in 72 hours.

💥 Creator School Win

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Life and business are full of chutes. You’re sliding down a chute when you feel like the rug got pulled out from under you, or you got sucker punched out of nowhere, and there’s no way you could have foreseen what just happened.

You can mitigate risk (aka “chutes”) by leveling up your skill set and learning from missteps - by doing things that help you foresee those chutes before you are sliding down one. But ultimately, chutes will always be there. It’s how you respond to them, learn from them, and then bounce back that really matters.

How did you respond to your last (real or perceived) failure? Stew in your shame? Blame someone else? OR, did you learn something valuable, get back up, and start kicking ass and taking names?

Hit reply and let me know!

You are not defined by what happens to you, but rather how you respond in your lowest moments.

The good news: I think you’re a badass and extraordinarily capable. I think you’re tired of playing small and pretending to be less than you are capable of. Chew on that and see how it sits with you.

🤔 What do you think?

What would happen if you stopped holding back?

Next week, we’re talking ladders and how to win the game!


- Amanda

👀 Did you see this?

Ready to level up your own game of chutes and ladders?

[Free Resource] Creator Business Blueprint

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